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Title: IQPC 7th Annual Compound Management & Integrity Summit
Description: Keep up to date with trends in the Pharma industry, by attending Pharma conferences from IQPC. Register online today.
Keywords:7th Annual Compound Management & Integrity, CROs, CM, CMI, compound management, compound integrity, DMSO Hydration, HTS Methods, drug discovery, Sample Integrity, Compound Management strategies, lab automation project management, sample management, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, hts application, chemical entities, CMI, compound management, compound integrity, sample integrity, September 26-28, 2011, Philadelphia,
... (View More)
PA, CMI, compound management, compound managment, Compound Management Integrity, Sample Management, HTS, High Throughput Screening, Compound Management Library Processes, Drug Discovery, Compound Quality, Automation, Lead Generation, Sample Integrity, Compound Handling, Basic Research, Chemical Storage, CMI, Compound Management Integrity, Sample Management, HTS, High Throughput Screening, Compound Management Library Processes, Drug Discovery, Compound Quality, Automation, Lead Generation, Sample Integrity, Compound Handling, Basic Research, Chemical Storage, CMI, Pharmaceutical, Bio-technology, Compound Management, Compound Integrity, Sample Management, September 26-28, 2011, Philadelphia, PA, US, compound mgmt, CMI, iqpc(View Less)