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Google search volume for "parental"

Website results for "parental"

 Page 21 of 380 results

#21,118 (+5%) -
Title:, Family Friendly Search Engine, Internet safety, online child safety, parental controls, computer security.
Description: Family friendly web directory open only to PICS rated sites. Child safety online by informed content selection using free parental controls, Internet filters and prefiltered Internet service.
#109,509 (+11%) -
Title: Internet Accountability and Filtering Software | Covenant Eyes | The Standard of Internet Integrity
Description: Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering offers customizable Internet safety software to guard you and your family's Internet use. Our Accountability service provides weekly activity reports on computer use to the person you choose as an

Not available.
#140,455 (+2%) -
Title: Encore - Official Site - Download Top Software - Hoyle Card Games - The Print Shop - Mavis Beacon - Punch Software
Description: Encore, Inc. Official Site - Shop for your favorite software and games: Hoyle Card Games, Hoyle Casino Games, Fate, The Print Shop, Home and Business Lawyer, and more!
#242,700 (+0%) -
Title: SupaSwap, Swap, Bid, Buy and Sell - The First Online Shopping Community for all the family
Description: SupaSwap is the first online trading website for kids, teens (8-18) and Parents! Our parental controls ensure that parents or guardians can supervise and assist in trading their childs items safely and securely.
#574,500 (-23%) -
Title: eBlaster Spy Software - Spector Pro Internet Spy
Description: Eblaster and Spector Pro spy software will record their emails,chats,instant messages,web sites visited,keystrokes typed and much more. Then automatically sends the activity directly to your email.

Not available.
#1,703,130 (+230%) -
Title: CyberSafeFamily
Description: CyberSafeFamily provides education, resources and solutions to help parents, schools and students stay safe online. Topics include social network sites, cyberbullying, privacy, managing your online reputation and digital parenting tips.
#1,017,442 (+7%) -
Title: Remote Spy Software - RemoteSpy
Description: Remote Spy Software gives you the power to remotely monitor your computers secretly! No Physical Installation Needed!
#314,138 (-47%) -
Title: Fooz Kids - Happy Kids are Fooz Kids
Description: Fooz Kids provides kids safe apps controlled by the parents where children can safely browse, connect with others, send emails, practice core-curriculum skills, watch videos, play games and more. Happy Kids are Fooz Kids

Not available.
#734,065 (-22%) -
Title: Mobile Web Filter for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Windows 7, and Linux
Description: Create a safe, secure and customized Internet for your family, school, or enterprise. Access it anytime anywhere from any mobile device. Set up now.