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Title: A! Haptonomie Haptonomy cirdh affectivite Accueil
Description: La Science de l'Affectivite : L'haptonomie est la science des interactions et des relations affectives humaines. Haptonomy is the science of human emotional (affective) relations and interactions i.e. the Science of Affectivity.
Keywords:haptonomie, haptonomy, affectivite, affectivity, cirdh, haptonomique, accompagnement-prenatal, haptopsychotherapie, kinesionomie, haptosynesie, psychotactile, veldman, vanpolen, naissance, hapto-obstetrique, syngof, haptonomic, haptopsychotherapy, kinesionomy, haptosynesy, birth, hapto-obstetric, page, suivante, pagesuivante,
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