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Title: IntegrITS - Integrated Information Technology Solutions
Description: Not available
Keywords:Integrits, IntegrITS, Integrated Information Technology Solutions, turning technology into solutions, Aegis, Aegis BMD, AWS, AEW, Airborne Early Warning, ACDS, Advanced Combat Direction System, Block 0, Block 1, BLK 0, BLK 1, BMD, Ballistic Missile Defense, C4ISR, C5ISR, certification, combat systems, C2P, command and control processor, COSIP, Coherent Signal Processor,
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COTS, Commercial off the Shelf, CDLMS, Common Data Link Management System, compliance, content filtering, CRM, customer relations management, defense industry, DEP, Distributed Engineering Plant, E-2, E-P3, EP-3, earned value management, eLearning, EHR, electronic healthcare record, EMR, electronic medical record, encrypted email, ERP, Enterprise Resource PlanningFirewall lifecycle, health care, healthcare, HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability, help desk, IA, information assurance, ICC, ICSTD, Integrated Combat Systems Test Division, ICSTF, Integrated Combat Systems Test Facility, IT infrastructure, Information Technology, innovative, JTIDS, Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems, link 4, link 11, link 16, managed services, MATSS, Mobile AT-sea sensor system, Mobile Aerial Target Support Ship, MMA, Multi-Mission Aircraft, NAWC, Naval Air Warfare Center, NAVAIR Weapons Division, NAVSEA, network centric, network management, NMCI, Navy Marine Corps Intranet, NSWC, OA, PMA-290, PMRF, Pacific Missile Range Facility, range safety, security, SSC, SSC NO, SSC SD, SOA, Services Oriented Architecture, SSDS, Ships Self Defense System, SHOTS, SMB, small business, solutions(View Less)