Title: SHOT Show is the World’s Largest Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference - SHOT Show
Description: The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference - SHOT Show - is the largest trade show for all professionals involved with the shooting sports, hunting and Law Enforcement industries. It is the world's premier exposition of combined firearm
Title: Fighting for the 2nd Amendment firearms rights of responsible disabled Americans
Description: DAFR fights for the inalienable firearms rights of responsible disabled Americans. We watch firearms legislation and research their impact on Americans with
Description: The National Scholastic Athletics Foundation is an organization dedicated to the support of junior age (sub-20) and high school track and field. Aside from offering support to the USATF Junior Track and Field and selected high school track and field meet
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Description: Calculate income tax, vehicle import duty, Kenya Power bills & tokens, water bills, M-PESA, M-Shwari, Fuliza, Tala & KCB M-PESA loans and cost of credit for mortgages and auto loans